Giver of Gifts

I think Sister Maria in 5th grade reminded me once that Donadoni meant “Giver of Gifts”. I am not sure if she was pulling my proverbial leg as hard as she was literally yanking on my shirt collar to turn me around in class- but I am grateful for the memory. Not for the sharp reprimands, but for the constant reminder that we all have a gift to share. And in 2020, if we can focus inward on what our gifts are, through quiet calm reflection, we can bring the positive energy of our gifts to the surface and connect with others in powerful ways to move the world.

With a positive perspective we can find what we need and want. After my morning rituals with the dog and my own business- my purpose for the morning was to move the brush from one part of the yard to another. As I threw a giant branch over my head to the corner of the backyard- a branch delicately flicked my ear and ejected my right AirPod onto the ground.

So- in a backyard full of poison ivy and prickly branches and possibly poopy droppings- I had to drop onto my hands and knees to find the AirPod. At no point in the half hour of painstaking one-eyed scanning and sifting did I feel upset or angry. You know why? I have a gift. I knew I could find it. I knew I would find it. And I knew I would not give up until I found it. So it was breathtakingly easy. Was it an enjoyable physical experience? No. But it was just a small example of keeping perspective, staying in the moment and finding success. Because that is what I was looking for.

So, thank you Sister Maria for teaching me the Italian step dances, fractions, and how to remember to share my gifts. And now to stop the poison ivy from spreading…

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