Month: November 2020

Who Are You?

EducationBecoming Resourceful

The Kildonan Experience from 1994-1997 gave me the opportunity to meet so many absolutely legitimately bona-fide “characters” and have myriad bizarre, essential, amazing, indelible, and priceless experiences. Naturally my dreams of teaching high school history and becoming a varsity soccer coach while finding the woman of my dreams and making enough money to live comfortably ….  Read More

Guiding Hand


When all hell breaks loose, like a crazy school cafeteria with no one in control (before the one teacher who instills fear arrives), or a hallway of writhing, wiggling, whacking, sweaty and jostling adolescent torrent of terror after recess, or when water is flowing freely through your kitchen light fixtures because someone decided to use ….  Read More

Just Sayin’


I wish I had a nickel for every time my dad said he wished he’d had a nickel for every time someone said something that was something that “they” said a million times. But you know what, if I had a nickel for every time I thought of my dad saying I wish I had ….  Read More