Diary of a Wimpy Dad
Was today a perfect summer day for thrills, spills, shrilly shrieks, sweaty flesh, sugar nourishment (fried, frozen, and flavored) and relaxation? With a little bit of luck and divine intervention thrown in ? A great friend who loves bees? A great driver who stopped for extra snacks and Dad’s bathroom breaks? Yes, it was. Just …. Read More
Dog Race to Glory
The rapid machine gun bleating sound of the cross walk signal telling Wally and Willy on their march to marvelousness – is that a word? – that it was time to go cross the street was blaring. Loudly. So, naturally we kept moving. And moving. And we found our stride. Have you ever been on …. Read More
How Not to Catch a Ball
Summer is moving at a fast pace at the Academy. Like many schools and camps we have many changes and updates as we transition to a new phase of our lives. First of all, one student will be embarking on her middle school adventure and the other one will be entering the pivotal junior year …. Read More