Reflections of a School Leader (Family Style)

Now that Christmas has passed, I have many thoughts and reflections to share from the viewpoint of a school leader that I need to share. Just remember, everything I do serves a purpose. Trust me. I know what I am doing. And I am infinitely aware of the places of pain and suffering that I have been as well as the peaks of potential I have climbed to. Just sayin’. Also, Sister Joan would be disappointed that I ended that sentence with a preposition. But it’s ok. I have resolved my Catholic guilt. I am grounded with purpose and direction. So here goes…

1) Remember, things change, but we have to focus on what we always can control- how we want to feel. I want to feel happy. I am happy. 100% of the time. Anything over 100% is irrelevant. I agree with all great math teachers like Mark and Jim that know that saying you give more than 100% is dumb. Also, while we get sick of hearing the word…Equity is important. Now that most people not living under a rock can define it, we need to have it. Everywhere. Like can we just have a 14 day quarantine for the entire nation to stay home, do remote learning and get past the Holiday Surge we keep hearing about? Common sense can apply everywhere. Plus it gives families time to read my blog. Ya know what I mean. I mean I will wear my mask and do my errands, but when families have to shut down their vacation and holiday plans due to a virus, it sucks. Let’s acknowledge and take a new perspective. Thank God for time with the people closest to you. Even if they drive you nuts. Like your secretary who holds things together. Remembering Pat, Patty, Bridget, Kathy, Ray Ray, Linda, Sandy, and more than I can recall right now- helps keep your perspective. And builds the capacity to create equity. So you can apply common sense to the situation. At least that’s what I think. I don’t really care what you think- because this is just my perspective anyway. Right?

2) Moving to a new building with places to have for kids to flourish can mean the world to peace and unity and meeting potential. Having classrooms with space for kids to put their things and realize their dreams is key. Like where they can play video games, saxophones, lift weights, swim, relax on the beach, play more video games, read books, play more video games, and maybe do homework. If they choose to keep those places neat and tidy they will find that their lives are easier and smoother and happier. Trust me. I know from experience.

3) As my friend Eva O said back in the day, I am a family man. Thus, when asked to attend parties and social events over the past 28 years I have often declined in order to focus on the family. This has made all the difference. Leaders should spend time on where they are needed. Whether it is in the classrooms observing, providing places for teachers to meet and exchange ideas, or simply greeting kids at the door- your presence is important. A leader’s visibility can make the difference between a ship sinking and a ship reaching its destination. So, thank you to Eva O, and Kerry R who reminded me on my journey that I am more than an assistant principal or teacher. I am a family guy. Listening to the people that are important to you means you can reach your own potential. Believe me, Lucy has also been instrumental on my journey as a leader. Which brings me to the next point.

4) Recognize and be grateful. See who has helped you out on the way. Appreciate them. But first listen to what they say to you and about you so that you have a better perspective of you. Leaders can lose perspective quickly so having friends to speak to keeps you balanced. John,, AJ, Matt, and Dan keep me balanced and show me how to keep perspective. Jess and Amy and Traci and Steph keep it real and focused and have shared experiences that make me stronger. So I recognize their contributions to my leadership as well. So I thank them too. And never forget Danielle who filled in for Mimi or realize therapists like Joan and Kate and all the rest. Good thing that the many Kims in our lives have also contributed to our success. Look at your staff and see who is contributing what and how you can help them reach their potential too.

5) Having a head of maintenance like Tim allows the school to reach its potential also. The blessed fact that he has a beautiful and talented daughter to help make the Christmas Concert a wild success is proof positive that a family can have positive effects on other people. We recognize and are grateful for their talents and gifts to our Academy. Without their help the renaming of our school to the Donadoni Performing Arts and Fitness Academy would not be possible. In fact, her impact on our goodness can never truly be repaid. So again, I guess we thank Tim for doing something right in his world too. We recognize the gifts and talents of others with small gifts of boats so that they remember us when times are tough for them. Our ship has weathered many storms like many schools do, but recognition and gratitude are important to our continued success.

6) Professional development is important. The Real Boss keeps herself refreshed and focused with a book club that keeps her renewed to focus on the family. Her potential was reached as she performed admirably at the service of our Christmas banquet. Without the book club that would not have been possible. Their long walks and great talks keep the Real Boss in a good place for when she is leading the troops at home.

7) Family like twin sisters and little brothers help keep us going, balanced and strong. And give us an opportunity to share leadership ideas and struggles in a safe place without hurting our own staff with our pain and suffering at any given moment. Family like cousin Jen traveling miles and miles to share Christmas means that your family is doing something right. The law of attraction applies to families as well as real life. Make your school and family inviting and people will come. Like the movie says, “If you build it, they will come.”. It worked for Kevin Costner and it worked for us.

8) Appreciate your founding fathers. Whether your parents are alive or not matters none. What matters is your appreciation for what they have done.

That means staying in touch with prayers or phone calls or zoom concerts that can show appreciation for your ancestors and founding fathers of your academies. Thanks mom. Thanks dad. I am adding an iPad purchase to our tech department’s bill because I think face time is important.

9) Having a real estate agent can help you as a leader to realize your dreams. So be thankful if you have one. I know that you need people in your life that support you and cheer for you and keep your head organized. So, our real estate agent is critical to the Academy finding our place in the universe. For that we show gratitude and hope her family has been safe and healthy and fully dressed for the holidays. I can’t share her name because the real estate market is bananas right now and she needs time with her family. But Dave and Chuck know who she is. Plus she still has work for me to do. So I am reluctant to share her talents. I can only say that her name is the same name as the sister of one of my oldest best friend whose brother is Sponge Bob. Again, I speak the truth.

10) Finally, thank you to any teacher, students or parents who have helped me keep perspective as a school leader on my journey to the top of the castle. I have had the pleasure of working with people like Lori and Colleen and my fave Natola to show what a work family can look like when its fully operational. Of course others like Mattie and Steph and the many Social Studies teachers have filled my heart with joy. Can’t forget a couple of Cathy’s and Kathy’s and many Kerri’s and Kerrie’s who have helped me Carrie the load.

Oops one more). Take time to sleep and rest and recover so you can put the house or school back together. It takes lots of energy and teamwork and love to make the dream work. But at the end of the day, when you can’t move your limbs and your dog is passed out on your chest- you realize it’s all worth it. My new work boss knows this well. She is a tireless soul who taught me that it’s ok to admit you wash your floors at 1AM. Because it’s worth it to show your love for your school, oops I meant to say family. Heather keeps us together. Does she even know it? Does the family even know it? Families should also recognize the hard work that a leader puts in behind the closed doors. While I said visibility and presence is important, the family must learn to accept when the leader is working for the family’s betterment. So kudos to my past great principals in addition to Heather, Richie C and K-Rob. Hey keep smiling and remember It’s not about Bill. It’s about who you are and sharing that with your team.

That’s my Christmas Reflection on Family and School Leadership. Thanks for Coming.

One Reply on “Reflections of a School Leader (Family Style)”

  1. Now that you have coordinated a memorable Christmas for your family in your new home, please take time to rest. Even God rested on the seventh day.

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