Focus on Family

You know that I love to write and be right. Balancing the two can be treacherous when you have to interact with other humans, but the good news is I have a Real Boss who is really the one I look up to. So what? Well, that perspective keeps the peace. And peace is one part of the equation for me. Quiet is the other. When I have peace and quiet, I am good. I have recently seen kindness on sale; everywhere I go people are using it too. But I haven’t found the right path to quiet yet. When I do, I will not tell you. Because that will preserve your quiet. And that is what I seek too. Your peace and quiet. Because then, and only then, will we be truly living the dream. You know what I mean?

So how did I figure all this out? Well, I followed the water and the light. Paid attention to the important people in my life and the lives of my family. And asked questions and followed the cues. See, family is important to me.

My Aunt was laid to rest today and was remembered as a resilient, strong willed woman who overcame much adversity in her life. But, she focused on caring for others and never blaming or complaining. She honored her husband and he did likewise. I found it interesting to hear from his daughter that she was able to allow my Uncle to be the “star of the show” and pursue his passions. That is selfless. While they both loved golf as much as two other important people I know- they managed to raise 3 girls so they must have learned to work together as well as play together.

While most of my visits to see aunts and uncles and cousins were to Rochester, NY where my Dad’s sisters lived, the moments with my Uncle George and Aunt Lorraine were special. They would visit us from Maryland and while I may have been too young to understand all of my Uncle’s stories, I sure recognized the love of family and the desire to entertain those around him. Their presence was always warming and filled with laughter. Big Al and Super Sal were seeing his big brother and wife and soaking in their spirit. Good times.

I figured out that if I can stay on the path with the water nearby, and listen to the lights of my life twice as much as I talk…I can follow the journey of my Aunt and Uncle. Which is probably a good idea. After all, my own journey started with Big Al and Super Sal and the other Twin, so it only makes sense to keep it in the family. I find this comforting as well, because I know they are following the path set out by the original William Donadoni whom I never met. And I have his name- so that seems important to me. He came from Italy and raised a family and I know his spirit was shared with his family and passed down to me by sheer luck of my draw. I know why people sometimes wonder how life is so easy for me. It’s just that after blind faith, family comes next. So what? Well, that means it is safe enough for me to come out of my cave every once in awhile to shine my bald head upon the world too. Like the fathers that came before me. William, Alexander, and George. It helps to have my Special Ed as well.

I know I got sentimental today. But sometimes that is what it is time for. You have to take time to reflect on the important things, without too much humor. That way I can retain what little humility I have.

Be amazing. And Thanks for Coming!

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