Academy News (late edition)


The Real Boss and I have been in meetings all summer planning the start of the new year at the Academy and our optimism is running high. We have increased enrollment for the Grand Opening of the school year and look forward to kicking the Assistant Principal Donadoni back to the classroom in Lynn where he belongs. He is happy and humbled, and eager to serve his community. The Real Boss is thriving and driving the students back and forth and then again.

The Academy is hoping that Wally gets the hang of the new routines that are in place now that summertime fun times is over. He’s glad his Dad stopped falling down and is taking it easy on his loosely tethered knee until it gets repaired in a month. Again- adaptable and flexible go really well with kindness and compassion. Mottoes of the Academy, ya know.

I mentioned enrollment increase because we are blessed to have a visitor of great faith in the Academy who will share her smile and experiences with us. Her ability to lead the younger students, and set a good example for them helps the AP tremendously around the Academy. With grace and humility the Senior of the Academy will step up and provide needed transportation support to the Real Boss as well. The Assistant Principal is excited to use all of his whiteboards and markers and creativity to begin teaching and preaching to more students this fall. The more positive people we connect with around our table, our cafeteria, our water cooler, or our whole student body…the merrier and the better… to learn better communication, collaboration, and consideration. Lofty goals indeed. But if we don’t set the goals, how will we achieve anything? So- that’s what we are aiming for.

As the Academy of Marching Band and Physical Fitness/College Prep gets underway this fall we will see the students move from the excesses of sleep, ice cream, swimming and sun, into the days of reckoning with routines, timelines, deadlines, and lunch lines. The soft, warm reassuring rays of August sunshine on our faces will be replaced with the cold, harsh reality of too cold air conditioning and luminous lights that reveal to us a new season of..Wake. Eat. Work. School. Homework. Eat. Practice. Sleep. Repeat…did we get enough to sleep or eat? I hope you did cuz…it’s gonna be a busy September!

3 Replies to “Academy News (late edition)”

    1. Lol I’m just a teacher. A simple guy trying to be, show and share the good…and tryin’ to get better. Aiming for great. But if not right away- I’ll wait. I’ve got time. And patience, 2 natural resources that are under utilized by humans…

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