Holiday Acceptance at the Academy
Acceptance is the way. It has allowed me to reach my mobility potential. Maybe even my human potential. I don’t know much for sure, but I do know that when you surrender, you actually win. And that’s how this Assistant Principal of the Academy has improved his ability to run around the house, without fear. …. Read More
My Heart and Sole and Soul
Here at the Donadoni Academy we have students who go above and beyond to achieve their dreams. That is good. Because you have to put forth extra effort and go the extra mile to get where you want to go. But one of our own…the Marvelous Maeve, truly has gone out of her shoes to …. Read More
The Cool of Cooz
A little background of Bill. I always wanted to be cool. Like my buddy Tommy Cus. I thought he was cool. I mean he knew all the words to the Rob Base songs we tried to dance to. He could do a better NKOTB routine than I could ever hope to. He even was cool …. Read More