The Cool of Cooz

A little background of Bill. I always wanted to be cool. Like my buddy Tommy Cus. I thought he was cool. I mean he knew all the words to the Rob Base songs we tried to dance to. He could do a better NKOTB routine than I could ever hope to. He even was cool enough to shave his head with me when I thought we should get Mohawks in 1988. We played soccer together. He scored goals while I accumulated yellow cards and freak injuries. On the basketball court, he was always a step ahead of me and I accepted my place on the depth chart behind him. Not once in all our times together, did he do anything but show humility and humor even as I looked up to his coolness.

I am thankful for the boys back home who showed me the importance of family and friends and loyalty. And specifically for the gone too soon grace and cool of Tommy Cus. I hope his family and beautiful Betsy will know the impact he’s had on us. From the infectious smile to the knowing look in his eyes- Cooz exuded the cool we all strived for as we turned from awkwardly to adults.

As Betsy and Frank and Frank and Vito and Vito and company keep moving forward, I share my strength and hope for peace in their hearts as all of us keep the best of Cooz in mind.

Hey Coozie, Thanks for Coming! Sorry you had to go…but we will see you at the end of the journey.

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