Category: Education

Tires and Resilience


If “they’ can make an indestructible iPhone case and send a man to the moon, then why can’t we have tires that don’t give up after a few bumps and bruises. Because when the rubber meets the road in Principal Donadoni’s jalopy, apparently the road wins. Every time. And it’s not even close. How can ….  Read More

Duty Schedule for the AP


As Principal Donadoni stated last blog, we know who the real boss is. So as Wally and I watched the sun rise yesterday I had an epiphany. In my mind’s eye- I could see that as the students continue to blossom into amazing independent minded, free spirited, happy, and confident citizens of society-hopefully still taking ….  Read More

Who’s Really In Charge?


It’s here. Budget time at the Donadoni Academy. So I am going to present this letter to the school committee in hopes that our vision of excellence can continue to flourish. But before I get too far into that boring list of requests, some personnel issues need to be cleared up. And while I say ….  Read More



It’s that time of year! We got lots of optimism flowing faster than Wally can slip his tongue in your mouth, but it’s also time for evaluations, like report cards and teacher evaluations and planning end of year celebrations. Busy stuff. So we should have a quick newsletter sent out from the Academy so everyone ….  Read More