The Bridge is Fire
Here at the Academy, as in schools and life- there is a THING that has a clear chasm. Course, when you get perspective, that helps. But, here’s the thing I am looking at now. And that thing is the universal gap between generations. Specifically, the language lag. For example, you say fire, I say call …. Read More
Bill’s Tree of Gifts
Good news from the Academy. Wally got the shots he needed at the vet…and now he is recovered and a little more lucid after the meds wore off. So as we strolled the backyard he said, “Dad, I want you to know- I am sorry I ate your homework. But If you need to remember …. Read More
“Going to Chuck’s”
Let’s Go March-ing in. Just like the Saints. And my PC Friars of course. (In my world Ed Cooley eats free at the Academy any night he wants-Hey Murph, you gonna waive the fees if he’s looking for a tee time at Bradford?). I watch the basketball games and wonder if this is their March? …. Read More
Who Are You?
Wally looked up at me and stared with the distant, unfocused, look of an overly medicated dog after going to the vet and said, “Dude, who are YOU?” And here is what I told him. I am me. Just me. Humbly me. I can do whatever you want me to. I can be. I can …. Read More
I Love Marks Too!
I was thinking too much the other day in my hammock and realized that at the Academy we have not addressed the Marking periods and what to do about Mark’s we’ve known. So here’s what we do know. A Mark I know is an amazing teacher and coach. A Mark I know is also an …. Read More
Wally’s Pizza Dream
Wally, as you know has been the mascot of the Academy. And a good thing for me. He is like my altar ego. Wait. No, that sounds too holy. How about alter my ego? YES- he does that too. He keeps me moving. More walking, less talking as people are fond of saying to me. …. Read More
Dear John and AJ Letter
You gotta know who you are. And I know who I am. I am a funny, sensitive guy with lots of special needs. And some gifts too- if I can remember where I put them. I love to think. I love to dream. I think I love to dream but I am not 100% sure. …. Read More
Back to the News
Donadoni Academy is flourishing. And sustaining some minor damage. I am seeing well enough to find my driveway now without assistance- which is good. But you know what is not good? When the man working on your house says, “Hey- did you see that tree?” And this is what he said to me as I …. Read More
Happy 50th!- “DO NOW”
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wombmate. No, that was not a typo. She has known me longer than even the original Mr. and Mrs. Donadoni the OG’s. AKA the original generation. They were founded in 1970, and established an amazing union that brought about the Twins and baby Joey. But they still haven’t known me as …. Read More
A New Year’s Lesson
From the desk of this humble teacher, I found a small note. And that note has made all the difference in my life. Let me share it with the world. Thank you to all who let me see it as clearly as I could. Please teachers listen carefully. Listen to what the children want. Get …. Read More