A New Year’s Lesson
From the desk of this humble teacher, I found a small note. And that note has made all the difference in my life. Let me share it with the world. Thank you to all who let me see it as clearly as I could. Please teachers listen carefully. Listen to what the children want. Get …. Read More
The Italians from MY North End
As you can see, the blog is now a perfect place for me. As the giver of gifts I now have a place to share the ones I have been given over time. I even might tell you about them as I rhyme. Because all of the people I have met are connected to me …. Read More
The Greatest Gift
I got it. I finally got it. And for that I am incredibly grateful. You see, the longer I struggled to find the good and the positive, and found only gloom and doom, the worse my vision got. Suddenly, the more I grumbled about the things I could not do, the more miserable I became. …. Read More
Bill- the elf on a shelf
Sometimes I need to find a corner to just sit and contemplate the spelling of my name
Eye Cannot Sea Clearly Now
When you know where you are going you have a much better chance of getting there. When you want to be there even better so that you may persevere to get there, even if there is a speed bump or detour in your way. However, when you do NOT know where you are going…how will …. Read More
Principal Shakes off Budget Woes
I don’t know if I ever followed up about the budget negotiations with the school committee. So now seems like a good time to fill you in. The school committee stated that all votes were unanimous. Just in case I wanted to dispute anything. Apparently there was not much consideration of what I wanted anyway. …. Read More
Have Faith and Not a Bloody Nose
Do you know what faith really is? It is standing in your backyard as a baseball heads towards you without you actually seeing it. You know that your daughter’s strength is growing faster than your ability to track a baseball at dusk. You know that the ball has left her hand, but you can no …. Read More
Picture of Peace
A girl and her dog seek the light at the end of the quarantine tunnel…and the principal of the Academy is grateful for the light and the potential for peace and quiet! Happy Wacky Wednesday after a Tranquil Tuesday Evening.
Serenity Now? Soon?
I think I live in the eye of a hurricane. And I love the calm I find here in the eye of the hurricane. And I love stretching metaphors well beyond their intended usage. So bear with me. If you can manage your way through the piles of chrome book zoom doom clutter, Amazon …. Read More